Purpose and Plan

Purpose and Plan

This week we will talk about purpose and plan. These 2 things will always help you to move forward. Coaches have been trying to show athletes for years if, you don’t have a purpose or plan in your development. Then your growth will most likely come out wrong. You can’t see what you’re doing and you could eventually harm your progress. Having a coach does help you but, finding a coach that is willing to understand your game and focus with your ideal of what you want to do to develop your game.

I would also say that you have to be willing to listen to the coaches’ instructions. Real coaches will spend time worth you to help both of you to understand the what process and plan that will work for you. Tr and stay away from the cookie cutter coach. They treat each athlete as the exact same and that is furthest from the truth.

Your Plan what is your plan for you? Why do I ask you is because just saying you have a plan and not being able to show it written down will not help either. Write out your goals and then you can write out the plan for it. So as example your goal is to become a pro or elite athlete. What’s your plan to get there it has to be broken down in segments so you can see the work as it starts to develop.

The hardest part is keeping to the plan

Coach Smith

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